Have you ever seen a crime drama movie or TV show where a bunch of police are gathered around surveillance footage and suddenly one of them says: “Wait! Zoom in on that guy! Enhance the image!” and then suddenly, miraculously, the grainy and blurry footage of what might be vaguely a human becomes a precise, crystal clear vision of the culprit?
They identify the perp, bring him in, and case closed.
Well, that's total fiction. In reality, that grainy footage from that analog security camera is only going to get blurrier and grainier when you zoom in for a closer look. But all is not lost! We are indeed living in the future, IP and HD are the wave of it. No longer does security camera footage have to consist of the poor quality, narrowly focused images we're used to seeing on analog CCTV.
A HD CCTV camera system has far greater benefits to your business than an old Analogue CCTV system. Including:
When dealing with CCTV systems Durcan Services Limited has a vast knowledge & experience to ensure we select the appropriate solution for you.
Our engineers were dealing with CCTV back in the days of analogue tube cameras and have followed the developments with CCTV through to the latest technology. These days we are often using advanced solutions including HD, mega-pixel, IP and video analytics.
We have installed and support systems from basic stand alone entry level systems that meet your budget through to multi-site networked systems in excess of over 1,000 cameras dispersed over a wide geographical area. With the higher use of IP technology our services have been extended to encompass providing and managing data network infrastructure plus working with your IT provider.
Why should you upgrade to IP CCTV?
We also install CCTV into a wide variety of environments and locations for all market sectors.
We start by responding to your specified performance requirement or offer advice to provide systems that will genuinely delver the performance required.
Most systems fall into two distinctive categories of operation:
When dealing with customer requirements, we always ask how you intend to operate your system and what needs to be protected by CCTV and then base the solution around this fundamental criterion. Our design principles are to NOT over specify and always provide a modular / expandable solution which has flexibility to account for future needs and possible changes.
We are accredited by a wide selection of leading manufacturers to design, install and support their equipment.
Our designs are always industry compliant and correctly deal with the appropriate legislation concerning CCTV, for example The Data Protection Act for CCTV. This ensures you are managing and operating your system correctly and the recorded information can be used as criminal evidence when required.
Our technical expertise also allows us to provide the communications infrastructure for CCTV systems e.g:
For more information on how we can help install, repair or maintain your property, call us today on 0800 77 20206 or email info@durcans.co.uk
We offer a no obligation assessment and quotation.