Durcan Services will survery your premises, discuss your requirements and then advise, plan and install the network what is right for you!
Few networking providers are specialist in both IT and communications, to cover the whole range of key requirements, from a simple installation of a cable run right through to the design, commissioning and support of a structured wide area network, including coverage of your telecoms and mobility need.
Modern business networks are only ever as reliable as the resillence of the cabling on which they operate. It almost goes without saying that should that cabling network fail for any reasion, your business can grind to a halt. Network cabling may not sound exiciting or sexy but it is fundamental. Whether you operate in an old building or are planning to move into a new one, you will need to be assured that you have in place the most robust and efficient network cabiling structure.
Our dedicated engineers can provide solutions to improve performance and the speed of networks through rationallsation of existing services and cabinets. We can re-organise untidy cabinets, strip out old systems and re-patch current systems so that your core communication services are able to underpin your business.
Why is network cable management key to your business?
The importance of managing network cabiling in any business cannot be underestimated. Failure to do so can prove extremely costly.
Addressing your network infrastructure needs
A new office building presents the perfect opportunity design a bespoke network infrastructure to support your business. Equally, refurbishing you exisiting business premises provides a chance to completely rethink the current structure of the IT and associated networks. At Durcan Services our experts will work with you to understand your requirements to deliver the right outcomes to achieve your objective.
Our depth of knowledge and experience in this field means we can carry out a range of projects including:
Maintenance and Servicing
Network testing and identification is a fundamental and necessary part of the on-going upkeep of your network infrastructure.
The prmary function of this testing process is to identify and quantify. This will prevent loss of function and data breach. In turn, it will ensure your systems remain high functioning o better support business operations and over all efficiency of delivery.
Durcan Services tailors IT network maintenance and service agreements to the unique needs of each customer, offering a range of sheduled services and repsonse-led support through our mobile engineering teams, helpdesk and remote diagnostics.
For more information on how we can help install, repair or maintain your property, call us today on 0800 77 20206 or email info@durcans.co.uk
We offer a no obligation assessment and quotation.