Durcan Services currently provides fire sprinkler services to residential homes all across the United Kingdom including care homes, apartment complexes and other homes of multi occupancy. We also offer regular servicing and maintenance of residential sprinkler systems to ensure that in a fire situation the sprinkler system peforms successfully as designed.
Residential Sprinkler Systems
Residential sprinkler systems are specifically designed to extinguish an ignition source quickly and efficiently, releasing far less water than typically used by the Fire Service. This smart use of water can dramatically reduce water damage to your property and ensure that any fire is swiftly dealt with, preventing loss of property and potential loss of life.
We have been offering residential fire sprinkler systems to households throughout the country for a number of years. At Durcan Services, we have a range of discrete residential fire sprinklers to choose from. All of the residential fire systems we install are of the highest standard. We are able to offer residential fire sprinkler repairs to ensure your system is re-instated and its occupants protected as quickly as possible.
The current design, installation and maintenance of fire sprinkler systems in the UK is covered by:
BS9251:2021 For domestic and residential properties
BS EN 12845 For industrial and commercial installations.
For more information on how we can help install, repair or maintain your property, call us today on 0800 77 20206 or email info@durcans.co.uk
We offer a no obligation assessment and quotation.
We cover fire sprinkler design / maintenance / repairs / installation for most area's within England including Stevenage · Milton Keynes · Cambridge · Northampton · Peterborough · Bedford · Norwich · London · Hertfordshire · Essex · Dartford · Cambridgeshire · Kent · Suffolk · Leicestershire · Bedfordshire · Buckinghamshire · Surrey